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cdbxx::out_db Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 out_db (int fd)
 out_db (const std::string &filename)
 ~out_db ()
template<class K, class V> void insert (const std::vector< K > &key, const std::vector< V > &value)
template<class V> void insert (const std::string &key, const std::vector< V > &value)
template<class S> void insert (const std::string &key, const S *value)

Private Member Functions

void insert_impl (const void *key, cdbi_t keylen, const void *value, cdbi_t valuelen)

Private Attributes

cdb_make cdbm_
int fd_
bool self_

Detailed Description

write-only database

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

out_db::out_db int  fd  ) 

out_db::out_db const std::string &  filename  ) 

out_db::~out_db  ) 

Member Function Documentation

template<class S>
void cdbxx::out_db::insert const std::string &  key,
const S *  value

template<class V>
void cdbxx::out_db::insert const std::string &  key,
const std::vector< V > &  value

template<class K, class V>
void cdbxx::out_db::insert const std::vector< K > &  key,
const std::vector< V > &  value

void out_db::insert_impl const void *  key,
cdbi_t  keylen,
const void *  value,
cdbi_t  valuelen

Member Data Documentation

cdb_make cdbxx::out_db::cdbm_ [private]

internal database handler

int cdbxx::out_db::fd_ [private]

database file descriptor

bool cdbxx::out_db::self_ [private]

are this fd our or not

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Apr 1 12:48:31 2004 for CDBxx by doxygen 1.3.5